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Administrative Measures for Students' Daily Attendance, Request for Leave and Report of Return

Article 1 In order to strengthen the education and management of students, standardize their daily attendance and request for leave and report of return, the measures are specially formulated in combination with the relevant provisions of the management of school students.

Article 2 Daily attendance

(1)Attendance shall be implemented for all teaching plans and activities arranged and organized uniformly by the school, including class and internship, etc., and all students shall participate in various activities except for the courses that may be exempted from attendance upon the approval of the school. Those who are unable to attend for some reason must request for leave.

(2) The class president shall be responsible for checking the attendance of students in the class. Each class shall fill in an attendance registration form every week, submit it to counselor’s office with written request for leave, and announce the students’ absence from school in this week to the class.

(3) Counselor shall regularly check the attendance of all classes, and the college leader in charge of student work shall supervise once a week, so as to identify and deal with related problems in a timely manner.

Article 3 Procedure and permission for requesting for leave and reporting return.

(1)Generally speaking, no personal leave is allowed during the study period. Under special circumstances, the students who request for leave shall first explain the reasons for the leave to the class president with relevant proof, and then fill in the written request for leave after obtaining the approval. For those who request for the leave within half a day and do not leave school, the class president shall be responsible for approval and promptly transfer the written request for leave to the counselor; For those who request for the leave more than half a day and within 3 days, it shall be approved by the counselor; For those who request for the leave 4-7 days, it shall be approved by the college leader in charge of student work after the counselor signs; For those who request for the leave 8-14 days, it shall reported to student office for record after the college leader in charge of student work approves and stamps; For those who request for the leave more than 14 days, it shall reported to student office for approval after the college leader in charge of student work agrees, signs and stamps. The reason for personal leave shall be verified and checked by the college.

(2) Sick leave: The students shall hold the hospital diagnosis certificate (stamped with official seal) when requesting for sick leave. The permission for sick leave is the same as above. Those who need to treat outside school shall report to the relevant approval unit for approval after getting the agreement of parents.

(3) Those who are unable to arrive at school on the specified date due to illness or accidents in winter and summer vacations shall write to the counselor to request for leave with a hospital diagnosis certificate, and it can only take effect after approval. Later, the students shall handle the leave procedure in a timely manner, and shall be notified to return to school in case of failure to get approval.

(4) Those who are unable to handle the leave procedure by themselves in advance due to illness or urgent matters shall ask the class president or classmate to handle the leave procedure with the relevant proof.

(5) During internship period, the students shall request for leave in accordance with the Regulations on Strengthening the Discipline Management of Internship Students in Xinxiang Medical University.

(6) The students shall immediately report to counselor for returning upon the expiry of leave. Those who get the leave approval from the school shall report to school for returning. Those who fail to report for returning shall be treated as absence.

(7) The college shall uniformly print the written request for leave. The students shall fill in it carefully and truthfully. The counselor shall keep the stubs of the written request for leave properly.

Article 4 The students who request for leave more than one third of the credit hours of the current semester every semester (once or cumulatively) shall suspend school for one year.

Article 5 Those who fail to handle the leave procedure or leave school exceeding the stipulated days without reason shall be treated as absence. The absent students shall be given critical education according to the hours of absence and the seriousness of circumstance, until given disciplinary punishment. Those who practice fraud shall be dealt with severely once found.

Article 6 The measures shall go into effect as of the date of issuance, and shall prevail in case of any inconsistency between the previous relevant regulations and them.

Article 7 The measures shall be interpreted by the School of International Education.